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Mostrando entradas de enero, 2023

Programming design patterns

Programming design patterns are reusable solutions to common problems faced by software developers. They provide a way to structure code in a more efficient and maintainable manner. Design patterns are not specific to any programming language, but can be applied in a variety of programming languages such as Java, Python, C++, and many others. There are several types of design patterns including creational patterns, structural patterns, and behavioral patterns. Creational patterns focus on the process of object creation, such as the singleton pattern, which ensures that a class only has one instance, or the factory pattern, which provides a way to create objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created. Structural patterns deal with object composition, such as the adapter pattern, which allows classes with incompatible interfaces to work together, or the composite pattern, which allows you to build complex objects from simpler ones. Behavioral patterns deal with

The wiring day (Raul Garcia)

This wednesday we had an special class. Instead of having or usual AWS lections, we had to make lots of Ethernet cables, wich, might sound boring, but sure it wasnt. We started slow, there was more than 2 hours left, and the recess was just around the corner, we only had to make 28 wires, which had to be more than 5 meters long. Only a few cables were made when the recess started, when we came back we kept going with our chore Every single wire had to be made with caution, just a small mistake and all the process had to be started again, which made the work quite stressful. Luckly I didnt make any mistake, and managed to make 4 cables. The last hour of the work was the worst, only then was when we realiced how many of them were missing, so all of us, tired and stressed started to make as many as possible to reach the goal. At the end all of the class managed to make 25 in total, which wasnt 28, but close enough to be ok. At least for me it was a really fun experience, and we will have

React Native vs. Flutter

React Native and Flutter are both popular frameworks for building mobile apps, but React Native has certain advantages when it comes to simplicity. One of the main advantages of React Native is that it uses JavaScript, a language that many developers are already familiar with. This means that developers can start building an app with React Native quickly, without needing to learn a new language. In contrast, Flutter uses Dart, which is not as widely known and may require more time to learn. Another advantage of React Native is that it uses the same codebase for both iOS and Android, making it easier to maintain and update the app. In contrast, Flutter requires separate codebases for each platform. This can make it more difficult and time-consuming to ensure that the app works well on both iOS and Android. React Native also has a large and active community, which means that developers can easily find answers to any questions they may have or find helpful resources online. This can be es

Swift (programming language)

Swift is a programming language developed by Apple for building applications for iOS, macOS, and watchOS. It is designed to be easy to read and write, and is intended to be safe, fast, and interactive. Swift is a statically typed language, which means that the data types of variables and constants must be explicitly defined before they can be used. This helps prevent errors and makes the code more predictable. Swift also supports type inference, which allows the compiler to automatically infer the data type of a variable or constant based on its initial value. One of the key features of Swift is its use of optionals. An optional is a type of variable that can either contain a value or be nil (no value). This allows developers to handle the possibility of missing or null data in a safe and clear way. Swift also has a modern syntax that makes it easy to write clean and readable code. It supports powerful features like closures, generics, and protocol-oriented programming, which allow for

we finished and we go anecdote (Alex García)

 in process Good, this was something that always happened when there was little left of class last year and we all got nervous It's already normalized as a joke

Anecdote of a networking class (Marcos Samuel)

 Hello, I'm going to tell you a curious thing that happened to me during my first year at Puenteuropa, a professional training center. It was a very fun day for me because we were going to have a class on networks and we were going to climb up some ethernet cables for the first time. Being the clumsy person that I am, I plugged in the RJ45 cable in both ends. When it came time to insert it into the NIC interface on the computer and seeing that there was no network, I thought I had made a mistake with the color order and immediately tried to remove the cable from the NIC. RJ45 NIC interface I saw that it wouldn't come out and it was very hard to pull on it, so to avoid making a bigger mess, I called Juan Carlos and he saw that the RJ45 connected to the NIC was stuck for some reason, and then he called Roberto and he saw that the RJ45 I had previously climbed up was defective from the factory, I think the cause was that the pins on the RJ45 were one on top of the other or somethi

What is sanitation and why is so important have it in a web application?

Sanitation is the process of mantain secure a user input in your application, because without it, a malicious user can perform some serious attacks to exploit this input field, as bufferoverflow a vulnerability that allows a attacker perform a controlled segfault taking the control of some registers of the cpu of the server allowing to add code to the memory that will be excuted arbitrarily, others attacks taking advantage of a poor sanitation in the input field could be sql inyections and xss (cross site scripting) so keep yours inputs field controlled and sanitated.