Social engineering is a complex and insidious threat in the world of computer science and cybersecurity. This tactic involves tricking individuals into giving up confidential information or performing actions that may be harmful to themselves or an organization. It's crucial to understand the dangers of social engineering and to stay informed about its various forms, such as phishing scams, baiting, and pretexting. To protect yourself and others from these attacks, it's important to be vigilant and cautious. Don't trust emails or calls from unknown sources, and never give out personal information without verifying the authenticity of the request. Additionally, consider implementing security measures such as two-factor authentication and strong passwords to further secure your online accounts. In conclusion, social engineering is a significant issue in the world of technology and must be taken seriously. By staying informed and taking preventative measures, you can help protect yourself and others from these dangerous attacks.
This wednesday we had an special class. Instead of having or usual AWS lections, we had to make lots of Ethernet cables, wich, might sound boring, but sure it wasnt. We started slow, there was more than 2 hours left, and the recess was just around the corner, we only had to make 28 wires, which had to be more than 5 meters long. Only a few cables were made when the recess started, when we came back we kept going with our chore Every single wire had to be made with caution, just a small mistake and all the process had to be started again, which made the work quite stressful. Luckly I didnt make any mistake, and managed to make 4 cables. The last hour of the work was the worst, only then was when we realiced how many of them were missing, so all of us, tired and stressed started to make as many as possible to reach the goal. At the end all of the class managed to make 25 in total, which wasnt 28, but close enough to be ok. At least for me it was a really fun experience, and we will have ...
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