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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2023
¿What is RDP? The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft that enables users to connect to remote Windows-based systems from other devices. RDP is used to provide remote access to a graphical user interface (GUI) of Windows-based systems, allowing users to interact with the system as if they were physically present at the computer. The protocol allows users to access a remote desktop, remote applications, and other resources on a remote Windows-based system. RDP is designed to work over a network and operates on TCP/IP. The protocol is typically configured to use port 3389, but it can be configured to use other ports as well. RDP uses a combination of bitmap compression, caching, and other techniques to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted over the network, which helps to minimize latency and optimize performance. RDP supports a variety of features, including encryption and authentication, clipboard sharing, printer redirection,

NAT explanation

  NAT, or Network Address Translation, is a technology used to allow multiple devices on a private network to share a single public IP address. With NAT, each device on the private network is assigned a unique private IP address. When a device on the private network wants to communicate with a device on the Internet, NAT maps the private IP address of the device to the public IP address of the network. This allows multiple devices on the private network to share a single public IP address, and helps to conserve the limited number of public IP addresses available. There are two main types of NAT: Static NAT: This type of NAT maps a single private IP address to a single public IP address. This is typically used when a device on the private network needs to be accessible from the Internet, such as a web server or a remote desktop. Dynamic NAT: This type of NAT maps multiple private IP addresses to a single public IP address. This is typically used in networks where multiple devices need t

vpc explanation

  A VPC, or Virtual Private Cloud, is a virtual network infrastructure provided by cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), or Microsoft Azure. A VPC allows users to securely and privately connect their cloud resources, such as virtual machines, databases, and applications, to the Internet. This provides the same level of security and privacy as a traditional on-premises network, but with the scalability and flexibility of the cloud. A VPC is essentially a virtual network environment within the cloud provider's network, which is isolated from other virtual network environments. This provides users with complete control over their network configuration, including the ability to define custom IP address ranges, subnets, and network access control lists (ACLs). VPCs also allow users to securely connect their cloud resources to other cloud services, such as storage services or databases, and to other resources in their own on-premises netw

vpn explanation

  A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a technology that allows users to securely connect to the Internet over an untrusted network, such as a public Wi-Fi network. When a user connects to a VPN, the VPN server creates a secure, encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the VPN server. All data transmitted between the user's device and the VPN server is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access or interception. This allows users to securely access sensitive information, such as financial transactions or confidential business data, even when using a public Wi-Fi network or other unsecured network. VPNs are also useful for users who want to access content that is restricted by geographic location, such as streaming services or websites that are only available in certain countries. VPNs are typically used by individuals, businesses, and government organizations to protect their online privacy and security. There are many different types of VPNs, including remote-acces

firewall explanation

firewall operation   Sure! I'll explain to you how a firewall works. A firewall is a security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. These rules are defined by the network administrator and specify what types of traffic are allowed and what types are blocked. The firewall acts as a barrier between a private internal network and the public Internet, providing an additional layer of security. When a device attempts to connect to the network, the firewall will evaluate the connection request against its set of rules. If the request meets the criteria defined in the rules, the firewall will allow the connection and allow data to flow freely. If the request does not meet the criteria, the firewall will block the connection and prevent any data from being transmitted. In addition to controlling incoming and outgoing traffic, firewalls can also be used to monitor and log traffic for security purposes. This can be usef


 A hypervisor is a software which is installed on top of the hardware, creating a virtualización layer and acting as a platform on which virtual machines (VMs) are created. Do not confuse the hypervisor with the operating system in question. The hypervisor is responsible for extracting physical resources from hardware and converting them to virtual hardware. It is key to facilitating virtualization, creating what is known as the virtualization layer. The same way as you must install the software to use the hardware, the hypervisor must be installed to allow virtualization. Now that you know that virtualization hosts (hypervisors) provide hardware the ability to virtualize and therefore create multiple virtual machines running on the operating system (OS) of your choice whose function is partitioning. The definition of partition in this context is the ability to execute multiple operating systems on a single physical system sharing the underlying hardware resources. In a virtualized sys

The marvellous world of computer science in Puenteuropa company.

 In this blog, the readers are going to visualize and feel with common sense an astonish experience, whose story is about a pupil Who take the decision to embark in a world of computers without having enough knowledge and skills in this field. With that said, let's begin talking about the both years within the Puenteuropa company. I won't gonna lie that my first impresión was "WoW this seems to be my cup of tee and I Will become the BEST student in the class from Scratch, beating all of my classmates without effort" but all of that was ideally believed. I have to admit that during this process of hard work, working under pressure and completing tasks before deadline never was easy. But i never gave up, just made me stronger and improve my resilience along the improvement about the challenges in the field. Coming until this point, one could realize is this worth It? For sure It is, the level that a student can get in general no matter how competent is, or its capacity

labs we did with juanma

Yesterday Juanma put a labs about connecting switches and routers between them to give wifi to our pcs but we had a problem with the switches and routers because it didn't work. for our luck Juanma helps us after a long time with a lot of errors in the switches and routers, but we had another problem that we didn't have the infratestructure that juanma said to have and when he asked us to do a wireshark to search the apache it didn't show in the wireshark because we didn't mount it in the debian we only had the dhcp. the other day we had another problem with the same thing (not the infrastructure but the switches and routers) and I hope that the next time he will say to do the labs again we will do it perfect.  

Most famous programming languages

This are some of the most used  programming languages J ava : used for developing desktop, web, and mobile applications and big data solutions. Python : used for scientific computing, data analysis, machine learning, and web development. C : used for system programming, game development, and to create operating systems. JavaScript : used for building dynamic websites and creating interactive web application. C++ : used for game development and system programming. C# : used for developing games, Windows desktop and mobile applications. Swift : used for developing iOS and macOS applications. PHP : used for building dynamic websites and web applications. Ruby : used for building web applications and scripting. SQL : used for managing and manipulating relational databases. Visual Basic : used for building desktop applications in Windows, and to automate tasks.

What is a Virtual Machine? (Álvaro Murcia)

 A Virtual Machine can be considered like a copy of an operating system (OS), for example WIndows 10 or Linux. To create a Virtual Machine you will need a software that is able to run the OS like VMware or VirtualBox, this one is free so you just need to download it and install on your PC. The second thing you need is the ISO image wich is the file that will install the OS. The Virtual Machine is a separate unit from your computer, so you can use it without causing any damage to your computer and by this reason they are used to search security breaches, "destroy" the Virtual Machine and tests. Another thing that they have is that if the machine stops working, just simply delete it from your disk and you can create another one completely new with diferent parameters like hard disk, CPU or RAM memory, or if you ran out of memory in the hard disk just simply add more by changing it I hope you learned about them See you soon! :)

Juanma's exam (2/2)

Hey!! Bloggers, I'm Eladio. This is the second part of Juanma's exams. In the first part we talked about Juanma's killer theoretical exams, I'm going to talk about the even more killer practical ones. I remember when he made us set up an instance with a phishing web server in 5 minutes, a crazy! We were rehearsing the installation that we had to set up in the Florida theater (Algeciras), we had to have all the hardware and infrastructure working between 8 and 15 minutes, we come out alive. The packet tracer exams are better, let's not even talk, configure a network of switches and routers from the terminal, being the first time in 10 minutes, but we are very grateful for the pressure. Thank you Juanma, we love you!


In this blog I am going to talk about the theater project which will be in March. In this project, we will have to be in the theater not only to help people like Roberto or Juanma, but we will also have to control the theater. I mean that we will have to take care of devices, cables, etc. so that no person can annoy that day.

Social engineering

Social engineering is a complex and insidious threat in the world of computer science and cybersecurity. This tactic involves tricking individuals into giving up confidential information or performing actions that may be harmful to themselves or an organization. It's crucial to understand the dangers of social engineering and to stay informed about its various forms, such as phishing scams, baiting, and pretexting. To protect yourself and others from these attacks, it's important to be vigilant and cautious. Don't trust emails or calls from unknown sources, and never give out personal information without verifying the authenticity of the request. Additionally, consider implementing security measures such as two-factor authentication and strong passwords to further secure your online accounts. In conclusion, social engineering is a significant issue in the world of technology and must be taken seriously. By staying informed and taking preventative measures, you can help pr

Juanma's exam (1/2)

Juanma's exams are incredibly difficult. From port exams to AWS exams, the level it gives us is surreal, ports we haven't studied, 16 AWS topics in one exam. Once I studied for an exam in which I could lose my grade and there was no exam. The level that this man gives us is triple that of the I.E.S Saladillo. For those who do not know what AWS is, it is the Amazon cloud, with many services that we have to know. And Juanma's 2 or 3 question exams are killer. Sometimes, Juanma he takes us to the blackboard and we have to tell him everything we know about what he asks us. By Juan Fran
On a thursday in AWS with Juanma Today in AWS, which is the Amazon subject and its services, Professor Juanma has sent us a laboratory in which we have to create several containers within a Debian. In our case, five virtual machines. This is just for practice and then the following Thursday, when we have class with him again, we will have to do the same thing but in an EC2 instance in AWS (two instances) in which we will have to set up a WordPress. To be able to see it, we have to go through a registration in which our user and password are stored in a MariaDB database. And then we will have to log in to the WordPress. If all of this is set up correctly, we should be able to log into WordPress with our user and password. Alvaro Perez Veneroni 2º SMR

Today's class (Raúl García)

 I started my day with AWS class, we had to make diferent virtual machines on amazon web services, so we could put a web page, on which you had to register to see it. I wasn't sure about how to make the "EC2 instances" so I had to watch a YouTube video, I didn't had enought time, but next week we will have more time. Next we had english class, we started with an exam, for me it was easy, so I didn't had any problem there. After that the teacher presented the new project we had to do, on which que have to make a job interview with a teammate in two weeks. I will make the project with Samuel, he is one of my best friends here in puenteuropa, we will do great for sure!

Learning by Alex

Recently, as a middle-grader in computer science, I had the opportunity to attend a class that really blew me away. The class was called "Python Programming" and was taught by a professor with years of experience in software development. From day one, I could see the teacher's passion and enthusiasm for the subject. Each class was an exciting adventure where we learned basic programming concepts like variables, operators, and control flow structures and applied them to hands-on projects. What really surprised me was the way the teacher made us feel comfortable asking questions and participating in discussions. He always had a clear and concise answer to each of our questions and went out of his way to make sure we all understood the material. In addition, the professor taught us valuable skills that go beyond programming, such as the importance of problem solving and team collaboration. Thanks to his focus on hands-on learning, I felt like I was really able to internalize

eJPTv2 Review and Tips

 ¿What is eJPTv2? eJPTv2 is an ideal certification for all those who want to start as a pentester, stressing that it is a Junior certification, therefore it is unlikely to obtain any type of job only with said certification. You can get more information about eJPTv2 on their website( Information about the evaluation system Previously the evaluation criteria was based on passing 5 marks, including the final mark and 4 sections, on January 10, 2023 eLearnSecurity decided to change the evaluation criteria to the same one used in the previous version of eJPT(v1). To pass the exam and obtain your certification you must equal or exceed the minimum final grade (70%) The exam lasts a maximum of 48 hours. eJPTv2 preparation course The preparation course have a total of 143 hours and is divided into the following sections: -Assessment Methodologies -Host & Networking Auditing -Host & Ne

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on developing systems and algorithms that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning and problem-solving. AI is divided into three main categories: Narrow AI : Also known as weak AI, this category refers to AI systems that are designed to perform a specific task. Examples of narrow AI include virtual assistants, image recognition software, and self-driving cars. General AI : Also known as strong AI, this category refers to AI systems that have the ability to perform any intellectual task that a human can. Examples of general AI include robots that can navigate an environment, avoid obstacles, and complete tasks. Superintelligent AI : This category refers to AI systems that have intelligence far beyond human capabilities, and can improve itself. Uses in real life: Thanks to dall-e 2, we can have a photo in seconds of whatever we want. All this without copyr

The DNS Service

DNS (Domain Name System) is a service that translates domain names into IP address, which are used by computers to communicate with each other.  It acts as a directory that links a domain name to an IP address and enables users to access websites, email, and other internet services using a domain name instead of an IP address. A DNS server is responsible for converting domain names into IP addresses.  When a user types a domain name into their web browser, the browser first contacts the DNS cache (local) and then a DNS server to look up the corresponding IP address, and then the browser can communicate with the server hosting the website at that IP address.  The DNS service is divided in a few different types of Servers: Root TLD Non Authoritative

HTTP Protocol and how it works.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the backbone of the World Wide Web. It is a client-server protocol used for exchanging data and information between a web browser and a web server. HTTP allows a web browser to send a request to a server for a specific resource and receive a response in return. The protocol was first introduced in 1991 and has been continuously updated to meet the changing needs of the internet. HTTP is stateless, meaning that the server does not retain any information about the client between requests. Each request is treated as a separate transaction, and the server must process the request and send a response before it can move on to the next request. This allows for scalability and eliminates the need for server-side storage of session data. HTTP uses a request-response model. The client sends a request to the server, which then processes the request and sends back a response. The request message consists of several components, including a method (e.g., GET, PO